Bristol! The circus entertainment hub of the UK. More circus performers per square mile than any other part of the UK (taken from the national made up statistics board). The reason for this congregation of circus performers ? Community. Circus performers are a tight nit group of people, we all know each other, we all like each other. This is also the reason why we won't quote against each other on events, so shopping round is not always the best way to get the best price.
Bristols doesn't offer the most work, so why did this community get built here ? One reason in my opinion Bim Mason. Bim mason started one of the UK's first circus schools "Fooltime" which eventually evolved into Circomedia. Circomedia now draws in 50 students a year with the hopes of becoming physical theatre and circus performers. By the time they finish their degree, they have been pulled into the lure of Bristol and its community of like minded circus performers. Most students stick around after their degree is completed, the community grows and this community then draws in more circus entertainers from across the country.
Bristol is essentially a running joke within the entertainment world as if you meet another Circus performer on an event, you know they're probably from Bristol. Because of this community there is now more Circus entertainment within Bristol than any other part of the UK. You can usually find a different show every weekend!
Want to see some circus entertainment? Want to be a circus entertainer? Are you a circus entertainer? Come to Bristol, trust me you wont, be disappointed.